


  1. Hey Nefin, I enjoyed watching the vodcast on you!

    It was clear, concise and you used the PEEL format which made it easy to follow and understand. Furthermore, it is great that you used your work experiences like your part time job and your internship so that it shows that you have a good amount of work experience which employers look for. and in your examples, you mentioned how you can use the skill and experience in the employer's company which is a plus.

    As for some tips to improve, first thing i would recomend is to give a background introduction of yourself. for example, which diploma did you attain? Another thing is to explain what did you do as your part time job. for examples, your roles, which company, the job scope and maybe even what you love about the job.

    Overall the video was really well done and it was exciting finding out more about you! 😊

  2. Hello Nefin! It's great to hear you confidently talk about the qualities you have displayed such as adaptability and being steadfast in decision-making to keep things in progress. I believe these are valuable points that employers will be looking out for.

    I do agree with LeWei that you could give more background information about yourself. In addition, I believe many people will be curious on why you chose to major engineering as well.

  3. Wow! You got lots of feedback on this informative pitch! Thanks for the effort, Nefin!


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