Research Project and Tech Report Contributions


  • I conducted comprehensive research on the Semakau Landfill and the importance of recycling, using online sources. This knowledge deepened my understanding of environmental impact recycling has. Which led to the research of current challenges associated with the existing blue bins, and this contributed to valuable insights to the team’s problem-solving process as it helped to identify the main issues of the blue bins that need to be addressed.
  • To further investigate the existing challenges of the blue bins, I went to look around the neighbourhood to look at the blue bins. While doing so, I learned about the existence of other recycling bins, and this led to another possible research pathways.
  • I used online sources to investigated the features and functions of existing recycling bins such as waste360 and identified areas for improvement. However, I also identified some features and functions that can be integrated to out project. This contributed to the integration of features and functions such as, the reward system.
  • I researched on different smart recycling bins and identified both problems and benefits of this bins. This led to my contribution of ideas during team discussions.
  • I brainstorm and finalise the main features and functions of the bin with the team.
  • After learning that the group would like to use sensors as one of the solutions, I went to conduct in-depth research on potential sensors for the project. This led to the discovery of Raspberry Pi sensors.
  • For the technical report I worked on writing the content for the background and read the through the report to ensure that in-text citations and did figure citations. As it was my first-time citing figures using APA style I had refer to other sources.
  • Did the reference list, where I read the contents for the different sources to check for possible in-text citations and ensure contents are relevant to the report.
  • Did transmittal letter.


  1. Thanks a million, Nefin! You certainly have the "what" described, but not the how. Could you explain?


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